Binder Constant Climate Chambers
Behavior of material testing using BINDER climate chambers
Sartorius Pipette Calibration
Watch this video to learn how to properly calibrate a Sartorius pipette.
Vitl MicroTS Microplate Heat Sealer
Video demonstrating features of the MicroTS Microplate heat sealer
Freedom Rocker BlotBot
Watch this quick demonstration of how custom protocols can be easily programmed into the Freedom Rocker BlotBot at the control panel.
qTower Thermal Cycler
qTower Thermal Cyclers uses optimized kits for reliable qPCR results and features a 10" touchscreen with built-in software.
qTower 3 Thermal Cycler
The elegance and simplicity of the qTOWER 3 design involves the silver block technology that offers excellent control accuracy of ±0.1 °C over the entire 96 well block capacity.
Solair Airborne Particle Counter Tutorial on Training Reports Function by LWS
Provides detailed instructions on steps to configure training reports on Solair models
Julabo Presto Temperature Control Systems
Video demonstration on how to fill Julabo Presto temperature control systems
Using the Bullet Blender With Tough Samples
What to put into the sample tube is important to properly homogenize the tough sample
Analytic Jena Video of Biometra TAdvanced and Biometra Trio Thermal Cyclers
Design benefits, features and operation of Biometra TAdvanced and Biometra Trio Thermal Cyclers by Analytik Jena